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What are the advantages and benefits of taking your strand?

Why pick ABM or HUMSS strand? Both strands have subjects and activities that may help you enhance your knowledge and skills. Being exposed to literature and government are focused in the HUMSS strand. Moreover, you will not only be trained on how to be confident but also it also lets you to practice your writing skills. Some activities like spoken word poetry, play, and writing of short stories, poems, scripts and critiquing are done in this strand. Next is ABM wherein your skills in socializing, communication, and financial literacy are applied. Thus, this strand helps you in experience work immersions and promotional activities that may be suitable for future generations. Most are having misconceptions towards this strand because of having too much Math subjects, but it does not always rely on mathematics, it also showcases your skills in creativity.

By : Arrianna Santiago

In the picture : Julianne Calvadores & Shania Sta. Maria


(n.) free will, choice

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